Serapeum of Alexandria

Serapeum of Alexandria: An Interesting Ancient Egyptian History

Situated in the core of Alexandria, the Serapeum of Alexandria is a complex of old structures that were devoted to the Egyptian god Serapis. This noteworthy site was once the focal point of the old city and stays a famous fascination for vacationers today.

History of Serapeum of Alexandria

The Serapeum of Alexandria was worked during the reign of Ptolemy III in the third century BC. It was a fantastic complex of structures that filled in as the principal sanctuary of Alexandria and was committed to the Egyptian god Serapis. The complex was likewise home to a library that housed huge number of books and compositions.

The Serapeum of Alexandria was known for its eminent design and greatness. The sanctuary was based for a gigantic scope, with tremendous sections, unpredictable carvings, and shocking mosaics. It was quite possibly of the most great structure in the antiquated world and was visited by explorers from everywhere the world.

During the reign of Ruler Theodosius in the fourth century Promotion, the Serapeum of Alexandria was annihilated. The sanctuary was viewed as an image of the agnostic religion and was designated by Christian pioneers who needed to obliterate all hints of the old religion. The library was additionally obliterated, and the a great many books and original copies that it housed were lost for eternity.

Serapeum of Alexandria

The Serapeum of Alexandria Today

Today, guests to Alexandria can in any case see the remaining parts of the Serapeum of Alexandria. The site has been somewhat reestablished, and guests can investigate the remnants of the antiquated complex.

One of the most great highlights of the Serapeum of Alexandria is the Pompey’s Point of support. This transcending structure remains at more than 27 meters tall and is made of a solitary block of red rock. It was inherent the third century Promotion and is accepted to have been important for an excellent sanctuary complex.

Guests can likewise investigate the remnants of the sanctuary, which incorporates the remaining parts of the library. Albeit the books and compositions are a distant memory, guests can in any case get a feeling of the scale and greatness of the library.

Serapeum of Alexandria

Ways to visit the Serapeum of Alexandria

In the event that you’re arranging an outing to the Serapeum of Alexandria, here are a few hints to assist you with capitalizing on your visit:

  • Wear agreeable shoes: The remnants of the Serapeum of Alexandria are fanned out over an enormous region, so be ready to do a great deal of strolling. Wear agreeable shoes and carry a lot of water to remain hydrated.
  • Enlist an aide: A nearby aide can assist you with exploring the complex and give you entrancing experiences into the historical backdrop of the site.
  • Visit in the first part of the day: The Serapeum of Alexandria can get extremely bustling in the early evening, so attempt to visit toward the beginning of the day to stay away from the groups.
  • Bring a camera: The Serapeum of Alexandria is a photographic artist’s fantasy. Make certain to bring a camera and catch a few staggering shots of the remnants.


The Serapeum of Alexandria is an entrancing look into old Egyptian history. This noteworthy complex of structures was once the focal point of the old city and stays a significant milestone today. Guests to Alexandria ought to try to investigate the vestiges of the Serapeum of Alexandria and find the rich history and culture of this interesting city.